Printmaking with Linoleum



Using a series of lino cutting tools i carve into the linoleum. With lino printing it is what you leave behind that make the image. Lino cutting tools come in two styles, a V tool and a gauge tool. They come in a variety of sizes from tiny, little narrow to wide open tools and different patterns and textures can be achieved using a variety of tools
Tools Needed
Here is a list of things you will need to get started.
Listed Here
Sign and Number
How to sign and number your prints.



Positive print example: Leaving the image

Negative print example: Carving the image

Cut out shape: Carve design, remove the rest

Lettering: Tips for laying it out.

Signing & Numbering

How to number your prints

Generally, you should determine how many prints you'd like to make. Say in this case, you say 40. Then each print would be numbered on the bottom left 1/40, 2/40 and so on. The center would be the title in quotations. The right would be your signature and optionally the date MM/YYYY the print was made.
